

Surgery is often necessary for the health of our pets. Elective surgeries such as ovariohysterectomy (spay) and castration (neuter), are routinely done and can generally be scheduled within 1-2 weeks of your phone call. Non-elective or emergency surgeries such as abdominal surgery, mass removals, caesarian sections, fracture or cruciate ligament repair, ocular surgeries or dental extractions can often be done as soon as necessary.

What to Expect For Your Pet Prior to Surgery

Regardless of the type of procedure, we perform presurgical exams and bloodwork prior to surgery. Our anesthesia protocols change as new research and medications become available. We will always do our part to make sure your pet’s pre-op, surgical and post-op experience is as calming and comfortable as possible.

Animal Surgery Near You

If you are considering veterinary surgery for your pet, please contact us at (517) 337-4800 to schedule a consultation with your Schultz Veterinary Clinic veterinarian.